The exhibition, derived from the comic strip «Le Monde sans fin,» provides a captivating insight into the encounter between Jean-Marc Jancovici and Christophe Blain, exploring their engaged dialogue on the crucial themes of energy and climate change. It playfully examines subjects that concern us all, such as energy transition, while addressing economic, ecological, and social […]
AURORA er et fransk-norsk samarbeid under Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC). I Norge administreres programmet av Forskningsrådet, mens det i Frankrike håndteres av Utenriksdepartementet (MEAE) og Departementet for høyere utdanning og forskning (MESR). 11 prosjekter er valgt ut for 2024. Temaene for de utvalgte prosjektene er helse, oseanografi, energi, miljø, bærekraft, kunstig intelligens og ny teknologi. Listen […]
Are the oceans truly open to all? The ocean is considered being the “common heritage of humankind” since the establishment of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in 1982. The UNCLOS establishes that no state can claim sovereignty over any part of the high seas. Although the oceans are open […]
I løpet av dette besøket blir det arrangert en rekke møter og aktiviteter på ulike skoler, fakulteter og forskningssentre. 30-års jubileet for vinter-OL på Lillehammer i 1994 nærmer seg med stormskritt, og i forbindelse med at Paris er arrangør av sommer OL 2024 og de paralympiske leker, benytter vi anledningen til å feire dette og […]
Circular Economy: Nordic Research Highlights Sign up for our webinar about the French Institute Nordic award 2023 on Circular economy! When and how? The webinar will take place… The five laureates of the French institute Nordic Award 2023 (FINA), from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden will present their research and share lessons learned from […]
France, as a major player in the fight against climate change and guarantor of the spirit of the Paris Agreement, is launching a new MOPGA visiting fellowship program geared towards strengthening scientific contributions to climate change issues raised by the COPs. This seventh Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA) call for applications is intended to […]
FINA exchange 2023
Testemonial from our FINA laureate, Olga Odrzygóźdź, PhD researcher in Sustainable Soil Management at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Currently she does research in the use of mine waste products for agricultural usage – as a natural soil amendment and fertilizers: Through the FINA exchange, I expected to develop my network and have a […]
Movie-talk evening on breakdance, the new Olympic discipline in 2024!
onsdag 15. november 2023
Wednesday 15 November at 5pm at Institut français de Norvège, Holtegata 29, Oslo Welcome to discover the movie Allons enfants by T. Demaizière and A. Teurlai [French documentary film with English subtitles] and have an open-discussion with Fabian Tapia, professional Norwegian dancer. We invite you to discover the French documentary film Allons enfants (Rookies, 110 […]
Den årlige Arctic Frontiers-konferansen arrangeres i Tromsø fra 29. januar til 1. februar 2024, med temaet «Actions & Reactions» som har 7 vitenskapelige temaer. I 2023 deler l’Institut français de Norvège ut to stipender på 1200 euro, til unge franske doktorgradsstudenter og/eller forskere hvis arbeid fokuserer på utfordringene i Arktis og som ønsker å delta på denne konferansen. Arctic Frontiers-konferansen er et forum som […]
Pop-Up Institut in Trondheim!
17 - 21. oktober 2023
The French Institute of Norway and Florence Robine, the French Ambassador to Norway, are coming to meet you in Trondheim on October 17th until October 21st! During these days there will be several activities and meetings at different schools, faculties and research centres. The «Pop-up Institut français » involves the teams from the French Institute […]
The field of science and the art of comics have both a fundamental focus on exploring and discovering the world around us. Welcome to this free event at 6:30 PM on October 25th! There are numerous intriguing connections that are ripe for exploration, particularly in the realm of scientific communication. Often, researchers strive to communicate […]
Every year since 2005, the French-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce (CCFN) and its partners have gathered the French-Norwegian community and public/private experts for the French-Norwegian Day in Oslo. In 2023, we decided to focus on the topic of circular economy. This forum is a unique opportunity to share best practices, stimulate innovation and detect cooperation opportunities for a more sustainable […]
L’Institut français de Norvège møter deg der du er! «Pop-up Institut français» er instituttet på turné. Vi er i hver by i flere dager, deltar på møter og organiserer arrangementer. De ulike seksjonene på instituttet deltar for å fremme det franske språket, utveksling og studier i Frankrike. Vi ønsker også å styrke samarbeid innen forskning og […]
The «Science Night» is back: When Art meets Science!
onsdag 27. september 2023 18:00
Science Night
Through this «Art & Science Night», our goal is to promote a meaningful dialogue between art and ecology. This event brings together an ecologist researcher and nature photographer, along with a visual art researcher and artist. The event seeks to show how art and science synergize to capture the nature’s beauty. In a period characterized […]
Can nature have rights like humans? Can rights be given to glaciers, to lakes, to rivers to enable them to defend themselves against external aggressions? Come and debate with us in English on Wednesday, September 6th at Litteraturhuset (Nedjma room) in Oslo! Book your free tickets! This debate is part of The Nights of Ideas […]