
Urban Sound Art

lørdag 2. september 2023

Urban Sound Art er med på åpningen av utstillingen Østlandsutstillingen i Fredrikstad 2. september. De franske lydkunstnerne Dinah Bird og Jean-Philippe Renoult deltar på denne alternative kulturnatten som i år arrangeres over hele byen. En parade går helt fra fra Østfold Kunstsenter til Holmen Fellesverkstad, gjennom ulike utendørsinstallasjoner. Dinah Bird vil presentere lydverket sitt Sound […]

Kultur Musikk

Oslo Internasjonale Kirkemusikkfestival

2 - 10. september 2023

I anledning 2023 utgaven av kammermusikkfestivalen Oslo Internasjonale Kirkemusikkfestival som finner sted fra 2. til 10. september i Oslo domkirke, opptrer Jordi Savall og musikerne i Hespèrion XXI-ensemblet på åpningskonserten 2. september kl 19.00 i Oslo domkirke. Denne gangen er de tilbake med Orpheus 21-prosjektet, sammen med profesjonelle musikere som har blitt tvunget til å […]

Kultur Film

Oslo Pix Filmfestival

28. august - 3. september 2023

28. august – 3. september arrangeres den sjette utgaven av Oslo Pix Filmfestival. Festivalprogrammet det omfatter over 100 filmer, utekino, spennende debatter, verdenspremierer og gjester fra inn- og utland.   Oslo Pix Filmfestival, med støtte fra Institut français de Norvège, skal blant annet vise høydepunktene fra Cannes hvor en rekke franske filmer er på programmet :  Jeanne […]


Readings of French theatrical plays in Norwegian

torsdag 14. september 2023 18:00

After a first collaboration in 2021, Institut français de Norvège is pleased to collaborate again with Nationaltheatret, the Royal Norwegian Embassy in France, Dramatikkens hus and ARTCENA to organize readings of French theatrical plays in Norwegian, with presence of the authors. Two theatrical plays by young authors have been selected and will be read on […]

Kultur Universiteter Vitenskap og forskning Ideer

Night of Ideas: Debate «More rights for nature»

onsdag 6. september 2023 6:00 PM

Can nature have rights like humans? Can rights be given to glaciers, to lakes, to rivers to enable them to defend themselves against external aggressions? Come and debate with us in English on Wednesday, September 6th at Litteraturhuset (Nedjma room) in Oslo! Book your free tickets! This debate is part of The Nights of Ideas […]

Kultur Arkitektur Scenekunst


28. juli - 6. august 2023

The first edition of Færderbiennalen, international festival of in situ dance and architecture will take place from July 28th to August 6th in Brøtsø! On this occasion, the French dance company Adrien M & Claire B will present their show Hanakaï on August 4th and 5th, for which Institut français de Norvège is supporting the […]

Kultur Musikk

K&Mfest Festival

28. juli - 3. august 2023

The 2023 edition of Kunst og Musikk (K&Mfest) music festival will take place from July 28th to August 3rd in Stavanger. This week-long festival brings together chamber music artists from all over the world. Closely linked to the Norwegian Youth Chamber Music Festival (NYCMF), K&Mfest showcases musicians and artists in various venues in Stavanger (concert […]

Kultur Vitenskap og forskning

Podcast «Frankrike forklart»: En samtale med Frankrikes nye ambassadør til Norge.

with Florence Robine (Ambassador of France to Norway)

Institut français de Norvège is pleased to support season 7 of podcast Frankrike forklart produced by Kjerstin Aukrust (UiO), Franck Orban (HiØ) and Geir Uvsløkk (UiO). In each episode, the editorial team brings in knowledgeable and Francophile guests on important topics, to understand what is going on in France today, and to learn more about […]

Kultur Film

Grimstad’s Kortfilmfestivalen

7 - 11. juni 2023

with the participation of producer Jérôme Blesson

On the occasion of the Kortfilmfestivalen, a short film festival taking place from June 7 to 11, 2023 in Grimstad, we will be supporting the event with the visit of Jérôme Blesson, producer of the short film «A Tiny Man».  The Kortfilmfestivalen will showcase four categories devoted to Norwegian films, international films, documentaries and music […]

Kultur Arkitektur Visuell kunst

Exhibition «Dissident Publics» at ROM for kunst og arkitektur

12. mai - 11. juni 2023

ROM for kunst og arkitektur presents the final exhibition of their project “Dissident Publics: Future Artefacts of Queer Methodologies” from May 12th to June 16th, 2023 in Oslo. “Dissident Publics: Future Artefacts of Queer Methodologies” is a collaborative artistic research project launched in August 2022 at ROM for kunst og arkitektur. This co-curation and co-creation […]

Kultur Film

Screening of the film «L’Inhumaine» at Oslo Cinematheque

lørdag 13. mai 2023 20:00

As part of the exhibition “Thorvald Hellesen. Pioneering Cubism” which takes place from March 31st to August 20th, 2023 at the National Museum of Oslo, the Oslo Cinematheque proposes the screening of the film L’Inhumaine by Marcel L’Herbier on May 13th, 2023 at 8:00 PM at the Oslo Cinematheque. Synopsis of the film: “Claire Lescot […]

Kultur Film

Screening of the animation film «Marona’s Fantastic Tale» at Oslo Cinematheque.

søndag 7. mai 2023 14:00

The animation film Marona’s Fantastic Tale by director Anca Damian will be screened on May 7th, 2023 at 2:00 PM at Oslo Cinematheque. The film follows Marona, a little black and white dog, who after an accident, remembers her different masters she has known and loved throughout her life. Through her unfailing empathy, her life […]

Kultur Bøker

Launch of the book «Au coin du fjord» by Lorelou Desjardins

torsdag 4. mai 2023 KL 17.00

Les aventures d’une française en Norvège

Institut français de Norvège invites you to the launch of the book published in French, «Au coin du fjord : Les aventures d’une Française en Norvège» by Lorelou Desjardins which will take place on May 4th, 2023 at 5:00 PM at Institut français de Norvège in Oslo. Bestseller in Norway and already published in two […]


Europe Day: Storytelling competition

tirsdag 9. mai 2023 19:00

On the occasion of Europe Day, on May 9th, StorySLAM Oslo, in partnership with EUNIC Norway, is hosting an event where you get to hear 8 great stories told in one night at SALT at 7:00 PM! StorySLAM is a live storytelling competition where the storytellers have 8 minutes each to tell a true, self-experienced […]