Vitenskap og forskning

French-Norwegian E-Forum – A Smart & Clean Ocean

13 - 16. oktober 2020

The French institute in Norway, in partnership with the Research Council of Norway, supports the french-norwegian A Smart & Clean Ocean E-Forum organised by the French-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce. This forum will take place from October 13th to 16th, 2020 in Oslo, both physically and online. Information and registration A Research and Innovation workshop focusing […]

Vitenskap og forskning

Call for applications «MOPGA» – One Health

15. mars - 3. mai 2021

We are pleased to inform you of the new calls for applications on MOPGA 4. The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) in partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education for Research and Innovation (MESRI) have launched a visiting fellowship program to welcome young researchers wishing to carry out their research in France as […]

Vitenskap og forskning

Fyssen Foundation Postdoctoral funding

24. mars - 3. april 2020

The Fyssen Foundation is offering post-doctoral study grants for young PhD holders who wish to conduct research in a French lab if the PhD was awarded abroad, or abroad if the PhD was awarded in France. Apply before April 3rd! More info: http://www.fondationfyssen.fr/en/study-grants/aim-award/

Vitenskap og forskning

French Institute Nordic Award 2020

6. juli - 13. september 2020

Call for applications – Norway #Youth #Nordic #biodiversity #IUCN The five French Institutes in the Nordic region (Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland) have decided to launch in 2020 a dedicated award: the «French Institute Nordic Award» (FINA). In partnership with the Research Council of Norway, the French Institute in Norway aims to promote young […]


Fatoumata Diawara på Cosmopolite 28. mars

lørdag 28. mars 2020

I anledning avslutningen på frankofonifestivalen 2020, blir det konsert med Fatoumata Diawara, en av de mest vitale formidlerne av moderne afrikansk musikk på Cosmopolite.


Frankofonifestivalen 2020 er tilbake fra 18. til 28. mars 2020

18 - 28. mars 2020

Bli med på en reise gjennom frankofoniens fargerike verden! Fra 18. til 28. mars blir det konserter, mat, utstillinger, dans og film som som tar deg med fra Oslo og ut på en reise gjennom den fransktalende verden og dets rike språklige mangfold.