
French+Sciences : Summer Schools in France !

Call for applications open until March 20!

The French Embassy to Norway is offering unique scholarships to participate in the French+Sciences summer schools! Do you dream of studying in a dynamic scientific environment, surrounded by engineers, teachers, and researchers? Would you like to learn French while exploring science and technology? With this scholarship, you will discover France, its innovations, and its expertise while improving your language skills. Applications for the 2025 sessions are now open – seize this unique opportunity to experience an unforgettable scientific and linguistic adventure!

Introduction to the French+Sciences Program

Developed by Campus France in partnership with French as a Foreign Language (FLE) centers, universities, engineering schools, and companies, French+Sciences is designed for international students who may be complete beginners in French.

French+Sciences Brochure
French+Outdoor Sports Brochure

If you are interested in cooking courses, you can apply for the French+Gastronomy scholarship here.

Each stay has a specific scientific theme

Montpellier: «Focus on Sustainable Development»

Session dates: June 8 to June 28, 2025

With its long and proud tradition of science and higher learning, Montpellier is internationally renowned for research in the fields of health, agronomy, and the environment. It is also the birthplace of modern medicine.

Brest: «Sciences and Technology of the Sea»

Session dates: June 18 to July 12, 2025 / August 10 to 30, 2025

Ciel Bretagne offers a program of visits to companies and state- of-the-art laboratories, conferences on current and future challenges facing the engineering professions, and courses in French as a foreign language. The program also includes a wide selection of excursions and cultural visits.

Rouen: «Focus on Energy and Decarbonisation: New Challenges for Society»

Session dates: June 9 to June 27, 2025

Normandy is at the forefront of major nuclear investments: construction of two new EPR2 nuclear reactors, dismantling of a nuclear fuel processing facility, creation of waste cycle infrastructure, numerous large-scale maintenance projects, and more. These major projects will significantly increase recruitment and training needs in the region. The 3NC project («Normandy, Nuclear, New Competencies») aims to address these challenges.

Chambery & Annecy: «Outdoor sports»

Session dates: June 3 to June 20, 2025

Participants will have the opportunity to practice outdoor sports in a beautiful French region known for its mountainous landscape, broaden their knowledge in sports science and practise their French. This rich and varied three-week program combines outdoor sports activities and scientific aspects taught in English with French classes starting at beginner level.

Program Structure

The French+Sciences program offers a unique approach combining French language teaching with scientific modules mainly taught in English, allowing students to improve their French skills.

Activities fully taught in English

Scientific modules include company and laboratory visits, presentations of engineering training programs, thematic debates, and more. Cultural activities, held on weekends, include a program of cultural visits to explore the attractions of the regions where the program takes place.

Activities in French

The French learning process includes 15 hours of French as a foreign language instruction per week, helping students quickly improve their oral and written communication skills.

These summer schools offer ECTS credits!

How to Apply for the French+Sciences Scholarships

L’Ambassade de France en Norvège attribuera jusqu’à 10 bourses French+Sciences à ses meilleurs candidats pour l’édition 2025. Les bourses French+Sciences couvrent les frais suivants :

The French Embassy in Norway will award up to 10 French+Sciences scholarships to its top candidates for the 2025 edition. The scholarships cover:

  • Tuition fees (training and cultural activities)
  • Accommodation (usually in university residences)
  • International travel to the training location
  • Social coverage (including civil liability insurance)

The application period is open from February 20 to March 20, 2025 (23:59). Results will be announced in early April 2025.

To apply, please fill out the registration form below. An English CV is required for the application, so make sure you have one ready to upload.

To see testimonials from the 2024 scholarship winners, click here.

For any questions, feel free to write to ccamelas@france.no.

If you wish to apply as a self-financed student, registration is available directly on the respective websites of our partner FLE centers:

Make sure to respect their respective application deadlines, which are all around late March / early April 2025!

Application form