Science et recherche

VIVA 2020 – Call for applications for the PHD summer school

25 février - 27 mars 2020

VIVA2020 is a one week summer school designed for PHD students and focusing on the usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Software Verification and Validation (V&V) and the V&V aspects of AI systems. Applications are open until March 16, 2020.

Facing the challenge of building trustworthy AI-based software and systems, Europe needs to educate a new generation of bright researchers on the usage of AI in V&V softwares. To reach this goal, VIVA proposes to welcome about 30 PhD students in Montpellier for the 1st summer school dedicated to AI and V&V softwares.

High-level courses will be given by the most recognized European researchers in the field of Software V&V and trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and will include an appropriate combination of theoretical and practical matters. The courses will cover a broad spectrum of research topics including Machine Learning and Data Mining in Software Testing, V&V of Neural Networks, Constraint Programming in Verification Testing of Autonomous Systems, etc.

The PhD School is co-organized by LIRMM, Simula Research Laboratory and Inria with the financial support of the French Institute in Norway, Simula, Inria and CNRS through the GDR-IA, GDR-MADICS and the GDR-GPL.  

For more informations about VIVA2020 and the application process, follow this link.